Friday, June 30, 2006

hanging out again with my ear glued to a phone just waiting and hoping that I get sa....early quit time....pleeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz.

eating pringles and totally tired of taking phone calls.....i need a weekend off....maybe

I did get a giggle or two earlier over some of the goofy calls. It always makes the day better, especially after you've been chewed out three calls in a row. One call had me in tears but after walking around the building for a few minutes I was able to compose myself.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sitting...ok, standing at work....just waiting for the phone to ring....and it does...ugh.

Don't really mind this job but sometimes the waiting is long. I do get much amusement over the odd calls....keeps me from going too crazy.

Must rest up tonight for the weekend shoot.....have a tendency to stay up late surfing the net after working late into the night. Usually blog on my livejournal but since I'm blocked from that one the randomness goes here.

yeegads....just clocked off for my lunch break and it's nearly time to clock back on....30 minutes doesn't go by that quickly when working.....

Wooooah....just had an onslaught of sales.....either I am really bad at making the sale...or people just don't want to travel.

1 hour 25 minutes left......gah.

LOL!! Just got a call that sounded as if it were in a washing machine...chug, chug, chug, chug....the noise slows a bit after a minute and I realize that it was the sound of someones jeans as they were walking....obviously they called by mistake.

45 more minutes......lalalalalala

wonder if anyone would notice if I fell asleep??