Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lazy Sunday

I am having a lazy Sunday. I've read a bit of the mopey about that...ran one load of laundry and hung them out on the porch to dry...kind of like this new saving electricity by not using the dryer...did research on Ebay about Navajo rings and bracelets......

Now I am playing on Facebook for the first time in a few days. Just did not want to go to any of my games. Perhaps I have tired of them....only so much fake farm you can do before it becomes a bore.

Made myself some scrambled eggs with green onion earlier...yummy. Should have taken a picture like my daughters been doing but they tasted better than they looked in the

So, yeah...might just sit here all day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stuff and Ebay

I have a few things on Ebay that I need/want to sell.

Today is a bit cooler than yesterday but still beautiful! I LOVE summer. :D

Went to the Boise Pride festivities in the park yesterday to hear J compete in Queer Idol. J did not win but did a great job. It was slightly disappointing as I thought J did far better than the winner....oh, well.

Monday, June 14, 2010


So once again i48 has come and gone. Good times, good people, many good memories. Slight disappointment in our film but these things happen from time to time. Congrats go to those teams who competed, winners and losers. We make films because we love what we do and that is what we must continue to focus on.

Thanks to all those that make this event happen.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Life flies by......

It is amazing to me that so much time has passed since I last looked at this blog. Life gets complicated and busy and I just don't take the time to remember to log on and then so much time passes that I forget that I even have a blog.

So....random thoughts about the last four years....

Baby boy is still living in LA and has now graduated. His dream is still to act/write and I do hope that all those dreams come true.

N is living in Seattle and pursuing her music career. I think she just might make it happen. Her music is so beautiful.

J is still living here in the valley trying to figure out what path to take. I think that J gets closer every day to figuring what that path is and I know that it will be alright.

Our movie 'Vagabond Lane' is now finished and available to purchase. Sales have not been huge but I still believe that it has potential. We will start filming another project this coming July. I am very excited about this one. I think it will be a life changing one.

Currently unemployed and not really sure which direction to go at times. But I still believe that everything will work out for the best.