Friday, December 08, 2017

A while back I took a picture of my "memory" necklace. I must have known that it was going to have an accident. I have been adding to this necklace for years starting with the family crest that I purchased after going to Scotland. I would add to the necklace as I found items or was given some small memento. While I was working the other night, I bent to pick something up and the necklace chain caught on a shelf...BAM!!! it was now in pieces....wah! This has happened in the past but I always had a replacement chain handy. Not so this time. I gathered up all the pieces that I could find but realized later that the little star/scull piece was gone. I have no idea where it ended up and while I am sad I also feel that perhaps it was time for it to go onto somewhere else...or will turn up soon. It is possible that it fell off before the necklace shattered. Below is a picture of the necklace before the accident. I will now be in search of a new chain.....