Friday, July 28, 2006

I am so bloody bored I could scream.....the calls have been coming in about every 5 minutes....or more....ugh. It's making the night draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

Wondering how the filming is going tonight. Hope that everything is going smoothly for growlf and co.

Went to my rental company to give my 30 day notice to leave and they need my co-signers signature....>:( I was hoping I wouldn't have to bother my cousin again to sign for me. But she was sweet enough to come to my place of work and sign the paperwork. Now I just have to take it back over to the rental co and put it in the drop box. It was such a hassle to have to have a co-signer when I first applied for the apartment and a bit irritating. I was surprised that I couldn't rent on my own given that I'd owned homes for 18 years. But they didn't want to trust a newly divorced woman to pay her rent I guess. Didn't have a job at that time but I was looking and was going to have the child support to help cover costs, but they still wanted a co-signer.

On the upside, I am now getting an apartment all on my co-signer. At 46 years of age I'm finally building credit on my own again. It's just too bad that all those years of marriage counted for nothing. Message to my own children, and any other young person who asks, build separate credit of your own whether you marry or not. If the marriage last, great, but in that off chance that it all goes down the shitter, at least you won't have to flounder about in debt hell.

It will be nice to be living in another town other than the one I've lived in for most of my life. It's like starting a new chapter in my Perhaps I should get another tattoo to commemorate it....hee!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Went swimming this afternoon...well, what I call swimming....bobbing around in the pool and trying NOT to get dunked or splashed by the other monkeys in the pool.

Ahhhh!! ALMOST booked a 6,349.00 trip....lady then decided to just put it on hold....rats. :(

Going out for nachos for lunch....:D LOOoooooooooove nachos.

Just got back from having nachos....and a few sips of margarita....:D

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Feeling a bit fuzzy tonight. Taking phone calls is going to be interesting. Maybe I'll get more energy later on.

Packed up some stuff today for my upcoming move....all of the little things that I really don't use that know books, cds, shot-glasses. Holy cow I have a lot of shot glasses!! I didn't realize how many were in the cupboard. Maybe I should have a shot party.

Just finished speaking with a gentleman from Scotland....he had the most beautiful voice....I love Scottish accents.....they make me all fluttery inside. :D

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm feeling incredibly tired and cranky at the moment....Combination of the heat, pms and this stupid job. The people are getting on my last nerve tonight with their idiotic questions.

Feeling a bit less grumpy now...had a coke and Heath candy bar....yum...guess I just needed some caffeine.

Oi....getting sleeeeepeeee....should probably stand up to take these calls...bleah....caffeine has worn off.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

My ears hurt. Not a good thing when you wear headphones for a living. I switched headphones and it seemed to help a bit....until you get the guy who thinks he's talking through a megaphone to the hearing impaired.

Watched the dailies from the movie we're making last looks fabulous! The kids in it are amazing, especially the two main actors. They make me teary eyed when I see their performance. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

time just keeps slipping, slipping, slipping.....

Just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round......

How i mixed those two songs together in my head I've no idea....

I think I'm going crazy.....why do people call to make a reservation and not have their information at the ready??? or a pen/pencil to write down the flight info??? Sheesh.

Just a few more minutes and I'm free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm logged off my phone for the moment....just having one of those Can't shake this slump I'm falling into worrying about, job, friends, family....I hate feeling like this.

Tomorrow will be two years since my divorce and financially I'm struggling just like my x said I would when the jackass left me. He's living large and the kids and I struggle to make ends meet most of the time. I know that's just life but it does feel extremely unfair. When does he get what's coming to him? Whatever.

Song just popped into my head..."I hate the world today..." I don't really but I just feel so alone. I miss my mother so much that I find it hard when others have a mother and get to spend time with them. I wouldn't ever wish them to feel my pain but I'd give anything for just one more day to laugh with my mom.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Helped with a movie this weekend playing a cult member and a ghost. It was interesting to say the least. I didn't mind being painted up to look dead, sitting on my knees for hours, having bloodied eyeballs, and black teeth......but could have done without a couple of the people there. Had to bite my tongue a couple of time so I wouldn't say something I'd regret. It's always amazing to me that some people assume that the whole world revolves around them, thus making everyone around them miserable.

While helping to put things away Saturday night, I trip on a wire and smashed my head up against a log. I had a huge lump on my head and cuts and bruises. Felt a bit woozy for a while but mostly felt like a complete idiot. My nickname for the day and a half was "Lumpy" .....har,'d think at my age I'd have learnt to watch where I'm walking.

God I'm bored as hell. This job sucks tonight because I totally wish I was still up at Indian Creek playing movie-making. I miss W. :( It's only 10:30 so I have 2 and a half hours left.....ugh.

I sooooooooo want to go home.....but I need the money....and I'm getting paid to sit here and write in my blog.........hee. My head is still bruisey and I'm covered with bites even though I had bug stuff on. I think they like the taste of it. There are two on my wrist and the itch like hell.

Just got a call wanting a discount because they worked for Microsoft....yeah, right. Whatever hun.

I'm stuffing my face because I'm bored....not a good habit. But Pringles are so damn good.!!! I just spent 10 minutes trying to explain a pricing to an elderly man....he'd re-booked a ticket from a previous ticket that he had to cancel and thought that the new ticket price was what he'd been charged. No matter how I attempted to explain that it was merely showing the value of the ticket and he'd paid the difference between the old and new ticket, he insisted that he was being charged the price of the new ticket. I was getting ready to pull out all my hair and his with it.

Just took a break, it's now 12:10.....bleah.

I wish there were a way to speed up time right about now.