Friday, July 28, 2006

I am so bloody bored I could scream.....the calls have been coming in about every 5 minutes....or more....ugh. It's making the night draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

Wondering how the filming is going tonight. Hope that everything is going smoothly for growlf and co.

Went to my rental company to give my 30 day notice to leave and they need my co-signers signature....>:( I was hoping I wouldn't have to bother my cousin again to sign for me. But she was sweet enough to come to my place of work and sign the paperwork. Now I just have to take it back over to the rental co and put it in the drop box. It was such a hassle to have to have a co-signer when I first applied for the apartment and a bit irritating. I was surprised that I couldn't rent on my own given that I'd owned homes for 18 years. But they didn't want to trust a newly divorced woman to pay her rent I guess. Didn't have a job at that time but I was looking and was going to have the child support to help cover costs, but they still wanted a co-signer.

On the upside, I am now getting an apartment all on my co-signer. At 46 years of age I'm finally building credit on my own again. It's just too bad that all those years of marriage counted for nothing. Message to my own children, and any other young person who asks, build separate credit of your own whether you marry or not. If the marriage last, great, but in that off chance that it all goes down the shitter, at least you won't have to flounder about in debt hell.

It will be nice to be living in another town other than the one I've lived in for most of my life. It's like starting a new chapter in my Perhaps I should get another tattoo to commemorate it....hee!

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