Monday, July 03, 2006

Helped with a movie this weekend playing a cult member and a ghost. It was interesting to say the least. I didn't mind being painted up to look dead, sitting on my knees for hours, having bloodied eyeballs, and black teeth......but could have done without a couple of the people there. Had to bite my tongue a couple of time so I wouldn't say something I'd regret. It's always amazing to me that some people assume that the whole world revolves around them, thus making everyone around them miserable.

While helping to put things away Saturday night, I trip on a wire and smashed my head up against a log. I had a huge lump on my head and cuts and bruises. Felt a bit woozy for a while but mostly felt like a complete idiot. My nickname for the day and a half was "Lumpy" .....har,'d think at my age I'd have learnt to watch where I'm walking.

God I'm bored as hell. This job sucks tonight because I totally wish I was still up at Indian Creek playing movie-making. I miss W. :( It's only 10:30 so I have 2 and a half hours left.....ugh.

I sooooooooo want to go home.....but I need the money....and I'm getting paid to sit here and write in my blog.........hee. My head is still bruisey and I'm covered with bites even though I had bug stuff on. I think they like the taste of it. There are two on my wrist and the itch like hell.

Just got a call wanting a discount because they worked for Microsoft....yeah, right. Whatever hun.

I'm stuffing my face because I'm bored....not a good habit. But Pringles are so damn good.!!! I just spent 10 minutes trying to explain a pricing to an elderly man....he'd re-booked a ticket from a previous ticket that he had to cancel and thought that the new ticket price was what he'd been charged. No matter how I attempted to explain that it was merely showing the value of the ticket and he'd paid the difference between the old and new ticket, he insisted that he was being charged the price of the new ticket. I was getting ready to pull out all my hair and his with it.

Just took a break, it's now 12:10.....bleah.

I wish there were a way to speed up time right about now.

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