Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Tuesday Bloody Tuesday

So monday was a wash for looking/applying for jobs because of the fourth of July holiday. Woke early today hoping that there would be jobs listed on the job service sites....NADA. It is now after ten and still no new jobs posted. Are you effing kidding me!?! Sheesh. Perhaps the people in charge of posting these jobs are having to calm down the masses of unemployed who have just discovered that they cannot get an extension of UE bennies. I have had to explain to several people who assumed that they would get an extension that that option is no longer available....read the news people. Of course, I never kept up on this information until I checked my status in June. I just assumed that since there had been folks on UE for over 18 months I would get the same.....WRONG. But that's my damn luck.

Owens approves as House votes for unemployment extension, but measure fails in Senate

I do hope all those over-worked senators are getting a nice rest.......assholes.


Nita Jo said...

Sorry about the continuing bad job situation! Saw you're getting a lot of stuff up on eBay. That's great! Now, if the buyers will just bite.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Ugh, I hope you're able to find a job.